Applicants must be a child of an employee represented by the Local 864 and attend school represented by the Local 864. Scholarships are given to three graduating seniors.
Scholarship Applications and Transcripts needed. 2025 information forthcoming
For the 2025 contest, any child or grandchild (or step-child, step-grandchild, or legal ward) of a living Elk who joined the Order on or before April 1, 2022, or a charter member of a Lodge that was instituted on or after April 1, 2022, is eligible to apply.
The 2025 Legacy Awards application deadline is February 3, 2025, 11:59 a.m. Pacific Time.
$1,000 scholarship will assist students who will attend an accredited two-year or four-year college or university
Scholarship recipients must be graduating Shenendehowa High School seniors and/or residents of the Library tax district attending another public or private school or being homeschooled.
Applicants should be a graduating high school senior from Saratoga, Washington, or Warren counties who has demonstrated excellence and outstanding dedication to their community and/or the environment
Submissions should be sent by 5:00 PM, May 1, 2025
Applicants should be a high school senior, planning to attend an institute of higher learning, persevered in the face of adversity, commitment to serving others, need for financial assistance
Seniors who will be graduating from Fort Edward, Glens Falls, Hoosic Valley, Hudson Falls, Lake George, Mechanicville, Queensbury, Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk High School, Saratoga Central Catholic, Saratoga Springs, Shenendehowa, South Glens Falls, Stillwater, and Whitehall
Currently accepting application through March 14, 2025
Applicants must be a public high school graduating senior pursuing a degree in education and live in Saratoga, Albany, Rensselaer, or Washington County
Applicants must be a graduating high school senior from Saratoga County who intends to further their education in a health-related field and exemplary service to his/her community
Applicants must be a high school senior attending private or public school within the Saratoga Springs City School District or who lives in the district and is completing a high school equivalency credential and planning to attend a two year or four year program at an accredited institution
Scholarship applications must be submitted by April 1, 2025
Saratoga Voices, a nonprofit that supports the choral arts, is hosting a vocal scholarship competition for high school seniors in the Capital region in 2025 in Saratoga Springs.
The students do not need to plan a career in music, but the scholarships are intended to facilitate the continued study of singing. The awards are forwarded as a scholarship to the institutions of higher learning to which the students have been accepted. Winners also have the opportunity to perform in a future Saratoga Voices concert.
Applicants must be from designated school districts in Warren, Washington, Hamilton, Essex and Saratoga Counties or high school seniors who are TAR members-in-good-standing attending any high school
These scholarships are open to any high school senior or college or undergraduate in Saratoga County who is planning to pursue a construction education at a 2 or 4-year accredited college, university, technical school or for students who would like to purchase tools and/or equipment for employment/career or to start a business in the construction industry
Applicants must reside in Warren, Washington or Saratoga county and plan to pursue the study of aviation, aeronautics or related fields.
Be a graduating high school senior, a past recipient, or a returning adult planning to enroll in an undergraduate or graduate course of study at an accredited post-secondary institution for the next academic year.
The Application Window for 2025 is from 1 November 2024 until 1 March 2025
AFA’s Teen Alzheimer’s Awareness Scholarship provides educational funding to college-bound high school seniors who have been impacted by Alzheimer’s disease.
Must be attending a U.S. college/university in the fall following graduation.Must live in the United States.Must be a U.S. citizen.
Applicants must be the child of a Navy Sailor (active duty, veteran, wounded or deceased) and plan to major in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or health science discipline
All high school seniors, regardless of whether or not they or their parent/guardian is employed at Burger King are also eligible to apply. Plan to enroll full-time, without interruption, for the entire 2025-26 academic year at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school
Applicants must be current high school seniors who plan to enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the United States for the entire upcoming academic year
Application window: October 21, 2024, through December 18, 2024, 3:00 PM CT
Applicant must be the biological, adopted or step-child of an active or retired police officer, firefighter, EMT, paramedic or 911 dispatcher. Applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student
Sign up to be notified when the application period begins for the 2025-2026 school year
Applicants must participate or have participated in grades 9, 10, or 11 in at least one of the sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee in the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games or the National Federation of State High School Association
Applicants must be a child or step-child of one an active duty, Reserve, or veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and pursuing an associate or bachelor's degree or a non-degree certificate program.
The application is open annually from January 1 until March 1, 2025 for the upcoming academic year.
Applicants for the Ron Brown Scholarship must be Black/African American, US citizens or permanent residents, and a current high school senior at the time of application
Applicants must be currently enrolled high school/home-schooled students attending school in one of the 50 U.S. states who will graduate high school during the 2024-2025 academic school year
Applicants must a high-achieving goal-driven student in need of financial assistance in order to attend college who attends a traditional public high school located in the U.S. Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported for 2022 Federal Income Tax Purposes must not have exceeded $100,000.
Spring applications will be available January 15, 2025 and will close March 1, 2025.
Websites worth taking a look at for additional scholarship opportunities
Broadview or CAP COM members who are high school seniors or college students pursuing an undergraduate degree at an accredited 2- or 4-year college, university, or trade school. Students may apply for one or more scholarships, if eligible.
The deadline to submit scholarship applications is April 15, 2025.
Applicants must 1.) be a current member in good standing with FASNY or have a parent/legal guardian who is a member and 2.) serve as a current Junior firefighter, Explorer Scout or RAM in a group affiliated with a volunteer department; a volunteer firefighter, or volunteer with an EMS unit
Deadline for application submissions March 15, 2025
Applicants must have participated in track or cross country in the Section 2 area, plan to attend on a full-time basis a college/university/community college. The awards will be limited to track or cross-country runners currently attending a Section II high school.
Be a legal resident of New York State and have resided in NYS for at least 12 continuous months prior to the start of the term and be enrolled participating New York State postsecondary institution, as a part time student
STEM Scholarships -The NYS STEM Incentive Program provides tuition awards to students who are New York State residents attending a public degree-granting college or university located in New York State. Recipients must be in the top 10 percent of students of their high school graduating class, pursue a two or four-year STEM degree program and agree to live in NYS and work in a STEM field in NYS for five years after graduation.
Applicants must be members of TCT FCU and college- or trade-school-bound high school seniors at the time of application. Students will need to contact the credit union to obtain a credit union verification code to verify their eligibility
Submit Your Application: Upload and submit your completed application along with the supporting materials online via the NYCUA Scholarship Portal no later than January 17, 2025
Applicants must be graduating seniors in New York State who plan to pursue a bachelor's degree in an environmental major
Application deadline: February 28th at 5 PM Eastern Time
The earlier you start, the betterMany scholarship programs have deadlines in the fall or early January and February. Don’t wait until you get accepted to a college to apply for college scholarships. Get a head start and begin your college scholarship search process early!
Participation is keyOne of the best ways to stand out amongst other scholarship applicants is through your participation in activities beyond the classroom. Scholarship committees are looking for well-rounded students who are involved in several meaningful activities i.e. sports, student government, community service. Leadership roles in these activities are also a reflection of one’s worthiness of a scholarship, especially if it is competitive!
Don’t limit your number of scholarship applicationsOnly applying to the few scholarships, especially large ones, is not enough. Continue to place multiple scholarship applications while their application window is still open. Consider applying for smaller, more local scholarships that are selected from a smaller pool of applicants. The scholarship application cycle can be long and waiting to see if you’ve won may result in missing out on other scholarship opportunities. The more scholarship applications that you place, the greater chance you have of receiving one.
Perfect your scholarship essaysThe essays that you submit to be considered for a scholarship should reflect more than just your student résumé or transcript. Make sure to highlight your extracurricular activities and reveal how these activities have positively impacted your life or someone else’s. The more details you include, the more compelling of an essay you will submit.