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- New York State Department of Financial Services: This Web site has information and forms related to health, life, and property insurance and insurance fraud topics.
- Insurance Information Institute: This Web site has information about a variety of insurance topics including how to make a claim and flood insurance.
- New York State Worker’s Compensation Board: This Web site explains worker’s compensation insurance and the process for filing a claim after an injury on the job.
- New York State Disability Insurance: This Web site explains temporary cash benefits for eligible wage earners disabled by an off-the-job injury or illness.
- Social Security Disability Insurance: This Web site provides information about qualifications to receive Social Security disability and how to apply for it.
- Life Insurance Needs Calculator: This online calculator helps people determine how much life insurance they need based on personal variables.
- Evaluate Life Insurance (Consumer Federation of America): This Web site describes a resource for evaluating the rate of return on a cash value life insurance policy.
- Consumer Guide to Automobile Insurance (NY Department of Financial Services):
This Web site contains the content of a publication about auto insurance.
- Car Insurance in New York ( This Web site explains the liability insurance requirements for New York state residents.
- Medicare Web Site (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services): This is the official U.S. government Medicare Web site and includes links for information and online search tools.
- Medicaid Web Site: This Web site describes features of Medicaid, eligibility requirements, and how to sign up for benefits.
- Medicaid in New York State (New York State Department of Health): This Web site is a one-stop resource for questions about the Medicaid program administered by New York State.
- (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services): This Web site provides information on a wide variety of health finance issues including insurance and health care laws.
- New York State Health Insurance Programs: This is a one-stop source of information about New York health insurance programs such as Child Health Plus (a health insurance program for income-eligible children) and the Age 29 Dependent Coverage Extension.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The official HHS Department Web site includes information about its programs, current events, and health topics.
- Long Term Care (LTC) Information (Department of Health and Human Services): This Web site discusses types of long-term care services, how much they cost, and how to plan ahead for LTC needs.
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners: This Web site discusses insurance topics from the perspective of the unique needs and concerns of military families.
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): This is the VA Department home page and includes information about a variety of programs for military veterans.
- Glossary of Insurance Terms (A.M. Best): This Web site provides an easily searchable comprehensive glossary of insurance terms.
- Best’s Credit Ratings (A.M. Best Company): This Web site provides information about how A.M. Best rates the financial strength of insurance companies.