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Recovery & Addiction Resources: Read to Recovery @ SSPL

The Read to Recovery collection is discreetly located on the second floor of the library within “the stacks”. This provides the community with low-barrier access to recovery resources, 70 hours/week.

Everything is free to keep.

No questions asked.

Virtual Shelf Tour:

Read to Recovery - Inventory

Anyone can save a life with Narcan Nasal spray. Click here for instructions.

Loss is always hard, but when someone you love dies of an accidental drug overdose, the grief that follows can be especially painful and challenging. Readers will learn ideas for coping in the early days after the tragic death, as well as ways to transcend the stigma associated with overdose deaths.

NEW! The SMART Recovery Handbook will provide you with a number of tools and ideas to help you toward your ultimate goal of recovery from addictive behaviors. 

Written in simple, straight-forward language, the SMART Recovery Handbook also offers exercises, techniques and strategies to help you with drinking and substance-abuse addictive behaviors (including smoking) as well as behavioral issues including compulsive gambling or sexual activity, self-harm, and eating disorders.


Growing Up in CoDA offers a way of understanding our codependency by exploring, accepting, and healing our childhood injuries and losses. By applying the tools of our program, with a new emphasis on inner child work and reparenting, we can grow up emotionally and spiritually, become who we were intended to be, have honest and fulfilling relationships, and live more joyful lives. Includes exercises in each chapter and emotional growth stories from our Fellowship.

NEW! 2023 marks the twentieth anniversary of CoDA’s original workbook, our guide for in-depth study of our Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. The Fourth Consolidated Edition has been expanded and updated with new understanding of the CoDA program of recovery. It includes a description of each step and tradition, its prayer, and a list of study questions. The book can be used by individuals with their sponsor or co-sponsor, in CoDA meetings, and in study groups.

About Read to Recovery & Funding

In May 2024,  the Saratoga Springs Public Library (SSPL) launched Read to Recovery, a collection that was inspired by the success of a trial project in San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) and news of San Francisco City Supervisor Matt Dorsey’s proposed legislation for universal access to free recovery books in all SFPL branches. 

The collection now includes over 40 titles with a limited number available in CD audiobook, large print, braille, American Sign Language (DVD), Spanish, Ukrainian, French, Chinese, and Korean. Topics include 12 step programs (AA, NA, GA, SMART Recovery, CoDa), family resources (ACOA, Alanon, Alateen), grief support, spirituality, disordered eating, and trauma recovery. Access to harm reduction and information for local recovery resources, housing, healthcare, crisis support, and suicide prevention is also available.

Read to Recovery would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors!


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The Friends of the Saratoga Springs Public Library is a registered 501(c)3 EIN: 14-1724307.
Individuals or business interested in making a donation may:


  • Mail a check:
Friends of the Saratoga Springs Public Library
Attn: Read to Recovery
49 Henry St.
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866



With gratitude,

Emily Martin,

Mary Ratzer,