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Crafts for Bibliophiles: Dino-Bites

A collection of directions/templates for making your own creative bookmarks and other book crafts at home.


To make this bookmark, you will need to print the Dinosaur Template sheet below. You will also need colored paper, scissors, a marker, and glue.

"Dino-Bites" Corner Bookmark

Download and print this supplemental file to complete this project:


1. Position the large paper square like a diamond. Fold the bottom corner up to meet the top corner. The paper should look like a triangle with the longest flat side at the bottom and a corner at the top.

2. Fold the right point up to meet the top corner and then the same for the left point. The paper should now look like a diamond with a vertical line running between the top and bottom points.

3. Unfold the changes made in Step 2. Fold down just the top layer of paper, bringing the top point down to the center of the bottom line. The paper should look like the same triangle it was at the end of Step 1, but with a smaller upside-down triangle in the middle.

4. Fold the right-side point back to where it was in Step 2, but tuck it down behind the smaller triangle made in Step 3. Do the same with the left side point. Ensure that all the folds are creased firmly. The paper should now look like a small square, with a triangle pocket made of two smaller triangles. This completes the basic Corner Bookmark.

5. To complete the Dinosaur Bookmark use the templates provided (or create your own variation) to cut out the teeth, horn, and eyes from the paper provided. Glue the eyes near the top of the folded bookmark and draw two nostrils on the bottom of the folded edge of the bookmark, one on each side of the fold. Glue the teeth to the underside of the folded bookmark. Glue the horn to the top of the dino’s head. If desired, glue Ric Rac (or more cut paper) to the top right-hand side of the dinosaur. Place bookmark on your book and let your adventure begin!

Click here for a video demonstration of this project.

Visual Directions

* project contributed by Stephanie R. *